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Communication on Design

Am 10. Dezember 2012 findet an der Fakultät für Design und Künste der Freien Universität Bozen die Konferenz „Communication on Design“ statt. Bis einschließlich Freitag den 07. Dezember 2012 können sich Interessenten noch registrieren. Die Teilnahme an der Konferenz ist kostenlos.

Hier ein Auszug aus der Pressemeldung, aus der der Inhalt der Konferenz hervorgeht: „Has ‹communication about design› reached a new quality in recent years? Or can it still be adequately described by the common parameters of design journalism and public relations? Does the german proverbial recommendation ‹Do good and talk about it› still apply? Or is it necessary to ‹talk› differently and more about the discipline now and in the future? And how does this affect the practice of design? Do clients and designers find each other more easily? Does design education remain unaffected by these developments?

The event aims to provide a current overview and insight regarding this field. Therefore speakers from well-known design networks, national design foundations and traditional design institutions, from weblogs and design competitions from the Netherlands, the UK, USA, Italy and Germany have been invited to dicuss their views. Therefore, the panel offers a representative range of topics regarding ›communication on design‹ in practice and its impact on education. “

Kezia Clark (UK) YCN London – Young Creative Network
Flo Gaertner (D) Slanted – Typo Weblog & Magazine
Francesco Guida (I) Politecnico di Milano, AIAP
Steven Johnson (UK) Collaborative Change, D&AD Board of Trustees
John MacMillan (UK) International Society of Typographic Designers
Florian Pfeffer (D) Output – Foundation for future and design education
Ben Van Dyke (USA) DesignInquiry, State University of New York at Buffalo
Antonino Benincasa (I) Free University of Bozen Bolzano
Christian Upmeier (I) Free University of Bozen Bolzano

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